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Amy Macdonald - Left That Body Long Ago / 2012

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Adaugat de aires 17.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.300 vizualizari

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Amy Macdonald - Left That Body Long Ago


Oh my dance is getting slower now 'cause my years they're getting older now. And my eyes, they won't cry. My tears have all run dry.
And my memory doesn't get me very far, I can't remember my name or exactly who you are. And I don't know why, no I don't know why.
Will you please believe I'm not the person you see, I left that body long ago. I left it way back there.
Will you please believe, given all that you see, I left that body long ago but somehow nobody knows.
So goodbye, you were my world and my life. And I don't know why you've lost your mother, lost your wife.
But there's more, something more than meets the eye. This is not the end, this is only goodbye.
Will you please believe I'm not the person you see, I left that body long ago. I left it way back there.
Now I'm free, I'm as happy as can be. I just wanted you to know that I left that body long ago.
So long ago.


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