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Tim McGraw - She Never Lets It Go to Her Heart / 1995

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Adaugat de alga 07.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.512 vizualizari

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Tim McGraw - She Never Lets It Go to Her Heart


Everywhere I go, they're staring at her
Every man I know-he wants to have her
I guess I ought to be a jealous man
I look the other way-they're hittin' on her
Every night and day, they telephone her
They try to get to her, but I know they can't
She never lets it go to her heart
She never lets it go that far
When they start talking, she starts walking
Right back to my arms
She can turn every head
But she never lets it go to her heart

She walks into the room and everybody
Watches every move, hoping she don't love me
I know it by the way they hang around
But they don't realize there's more to her than
What meets the eye, that's why I'm certain
No matter what they do to reach her now

('Cause) she never lets it go to her heart
She never lets it go that far
When they start talking, she starts walking
Right back to my arms
She can turn every head
But she never lets it go to her heart

When they start talking, she starts walking
Right back to my arms
She can turn every head
But she never lets it go to her heart


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