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Anya Marina - Spirit School / 2011

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Adaugat de radio 06.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.844 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Anya Marina - Spirit School

Albumm:Anya Marina - Spirit School / anul 2011


Semester is out
The teacher is in
There ain't no exams but oh,
You better bet you're gonna learn somethin'

So get in the van
And pay all your dues
And stay a while,
Yeah stay, you're in the spirit school

Gimme your tired
Gimme your weak
Gimme the gangly boys
Gimme the girls with the funny feet

We'll call you "Stix"
And you'll play guitar
I promise you, I promise
We're gon' go far

We're rubber and you're glue and no matter what you say we're gonna stick it right to you x2

You won't get expelled
And we'll never tell
I've got a pocket full of secrets
And a magic pill

We'll keep it movin'
But everything's cool
So stay a while,
Yeah stay, you're in the spirit school

We're rubber and you're glue and no matter what you say we're gonna stick it right to you x2

Do you think i sold my soul
Won't see my love for weeks
We've miles and miles to go before we...

Sleepy Jean
We're livin' on a dream
Don't fret your pretty head
Just 'cause we're looking like the walkin' dead

We're rubber and you're glue and no matter what you say we're gonna stick it right to you x2

Pop, Rock,Indie Rock


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