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Leonard Cohen-The Lost Canadian (Un Canadien Errant)1979

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Adaugat de Alexandra 05.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.018 vizualizari

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Leonard Cohen-The Lost Canadian (Un Canadien Errant)1979
Cantec de Antoine Gerin-Lajoie, cantat de Leonard Cohen.

Versuri cantec:franceza(engleza)

Un Canadien Errant (A wandering Canadian,)
Banni de ses foyers, (banned from his hearths,)
Parcourait en pleurant (travelled while crying)
Des pays etrangers. (in foreign lands.)
Parcourait en pleurant (travelled while crying)
Des pays etrangers. (in foreign lands.)
Un jour, triste et pensif, (One day, sad and pensive,)
Assis au bord des flots, (sitting by the flowing waters,)
Au courant fugitif (to the fleeing current)
Il adressa ces mots: (he addressed these words:)
Au courant fugitif (to the fleeing current)
Il adressa ces mots: (he addressed these words:)

"Si tu vois mon pays, (If you see my country,)
Mon pays malheureux, (my unhappy country,)
Va dire a mes amis (go tell my friends)
Que je me souviens d'eux. (that I remember them.)
Va dire a mes amis (go tell my friends)
Que je me souviens d'eux. (that I remember them.)

O jours si pleins d'appas, (O days so full of charms,)
Vous etes disparus... (you have vanished...)
Et ma patrie, helas! (And my native land, alas!)
Je ne la verrai plus. (I will see it no more.)
Et ma patrie, helas! (And my native land, alas!)
Je ne la verrai plus. (I will see it no more.)

Read more: Leonard Cohen - Un Canadien Errant (The Lost Canadian) Lyrics | MetroLyrics


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