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Leonard Cohen - Leaving Green Sleeves / 1974

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Adaugat de Alexandra 04.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.616 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Leonard Cohen - Leaving Green Sleeves-1974

Versuri cantec:
Alas, my love, you did me wrong
To cast me out discourteously
For I have loved you so long
Delighting in your very company

Now if you intend to show me disdain
Don't you know it all the more enraptures me?
For even so I still remain
Your lover in captivity

Green Sleeves, you're all alone
The leaves have fallen, the men have gone
Green Sleeves, there's no one home
Not even the Lady Green Sleeves

I sang my songs, I told my lies
To lie between your matchless thighs
And ain't it fine, ain't it wild
To finally end our exercise?

Then I saw you naked in the early dawn
Oh, I hoped you would be someone new
I reached for you but you were gone
So lady, I'm going too

Green Sleeves, you're all alone
The leaves have fallen, the men are gone
Green Sleeves, there's no one home
Not even the Lady Green Sleeves

Green sleeves, you're all alone
The leaves have fallen, the men have all gone home
Green sleeves, it's so easily done
And he leaving the Lady Green Sleeves


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