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Loreen - Sober / 2012

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Adaugat de tare 02.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.464 vizualizari

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Loreen - Sober


Where we go I don't care no. It's right now and we're right here oh. Under the streetlights, standing face to face. I'm loosing sense of time and space. Don't want to move why can't I stay cause the chemistry is of he chain. I'm looked in a box only you and me. Wish I could throw away the key.

I know this moment will be over, tomorrow comes when we are sober. Will we feel the same or let it be. Will you be there? The night is almost getting over and I don't want us to turn colder. I want to wake up with you next to me. Will you be there?

On our way, I can't believe that I'm kissing you. You touching me and I can't imagine to be somewhere else. I'm all in with no regrets. Soo here we are but still I can't let go of the thought of loosing you no. I wonder if we going to stay this way. Will you remember what you promised me oh?

I know this moment will be over, tomorrow comes when we are sober. Will we feel the same or let it be. Will you be there? The night is almost getting over and I don't want us to turn colder. I want to wake up with you next to me. Will you be there?

The night is almost getting over and I don't want us to turn colder. I want to wake up with you next to me. Will you be there?

I know this moment will be over; tomorrow comes when we are sober. Will we feel the same or let it be. Will you be there? The night is almost getting over and I don't want us to turn colder. I want to wake up with you next to me. Will you be there?


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