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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Anouk - Pictures on Your Skin / 1997

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Adaugat de judy 29.10.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.658 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Anouk - Pictures on Your Skin


There's gonna be a yellow moon tonight
Don't leave the light on
Beads of sweat running down my face
You can catch them with your tongue
Colours run up and down your body
Every time you move
Every time, every time
Every Time you move

When I kiss the pictures on your skin
Make me shiver with the fire
Let me kiss the pictures on your skin

A pair of eyes that stare across the room watching yo breathing
Magic signs scratched inside a heart
Filled with your name
Colours run up and down your body
Every time you move
Every time, every time
Every Time you move

When I kiss the pictures on your skin
Make me shiver with the fire
Let me kiss the pictures on your skin

The reds, the blues, the greens and the greys
All bleed their colours through a sweaty haze
And we slide like a serpent on silky sheets and that twist and turn
Forever and ever and ever
Soft as a butterfly, stings like a bee
Soft as a butterfly, stings like a bee

Colours run up and down your body
Every time you move
Every time, every time
Every Time you move

When I kiss the pictures on your skin
Make me shiver with the fire
Let me kiss the pictures on your skin


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