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Adele - Take It All / 2011

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Adaugat de antonia 19.10.2013  Adauga la favorite 2.274 vizualizari

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Adele - Take It All


Didn't I give it all?
Tried my best,
Gave you everything I had,
Everything and no less,
Didn't I do it right?
Did I let you down?

Maybe you got too use to,
Having me around,
Still, how can you walk away,
From all my tears?
It's gonna be an empty road,
Without me right here,

But go on and take it,
Take it all with you,
Don't look back,
At this crumbling fool,
Just take it all,
With my love,
Take it all,
With my love,

Maybe I should leave,
To help you see,
Nothing is better than this,
And this is everything we need,
So is it over?
Is this really it?
You're giving up so easily,
I thought you loved me more than this,

But go on, go on and take it,
Take it all with you,
Don't look back,
At this crumbling fool,
Just take it all,
With my love,
Take it all,
With my love,

I will change if I must,
Slow it down and bring it home,
I will adjust,
Oh, if only,
If only you knew,
Everything I do,
Is for you,

But go on, go on and take it,
Take it all with you,
Don't look back,
At this crumbling fool,
Just take it,
Take it all with you,
Don't look back,
At this crumbling fool,
Just take it all,
With my love,
Take it all,
With my love,
Take it all,
With my love.


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