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Jason Aldean - Back in this Cigarette / 2007

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Adaugat de matusa 15.10.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.351 vizualizari

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Jason Aldean - Back in this Cigarette


It's 2am in my new home, this motel room.
Ash tray full of Lucky Strikes, a half spent case of warm Bud Light.
Countin regrets, fightin back tears, retracin steps, gettin no where.

Callin your name, it's a waste of my breath.
There's no reachin you across this cold and empty bed.
Stirrin up ashes, tryin to find passion where there's no love left.
It's like tryin to put smoke, back in this cigarette.

Come sunrise, guess I'll check out and ditch this town.
Put a few more miles between us
and keep drivin til I finally mend my broken trust.
Hangin my hopes on highway signs.
If I lie here, I'll lose my mind.

Callin your name, it's a waste of my breath.
There's no reachin you across this cold and empty bed.
Stirrin up ashes, tryin to find passion where there's no love left.
It's like tryin to put smoke, back in this cigarette.

I may never know, your reasons why.
But someday I'm gonna see the good, in your goodbye.

Callin your name, it's a waste of my breath.
There's no reachin you across this empty bed.
Stirrin up ashes, tryin to find passion where there's no love left.
It's like tryin to put smoke, back in this cigarette.

Please help me out, subscribe, rate, & comment. I ALWAYS return the favor! Thanks guys! xoxo.


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