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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


La Bouche - Do You Still Need Me / 1995

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Adaugat de hannah 11.10.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.999 vizualizari

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La Bouche - Do You Still Need Me


You wouldn't leave me, not for a moment
But when your sleeping, you don't reach out to hold me tight
I'm a fool for those things like you still need me
Do you still love me, is it love anyway
You live in you world, and I can't follow
If you still need me, then I wish I could hear you say
I'm a fool for those things like you still love me

What ya gonna do, what ya gonna do, what ya gonna do
If I can't tell you
What ya gonna do, what ya gonna do, what ya gonna do
I can't tell you
If I run away

Do you still need me, do tears cloud my mind
Sometimes I wonder, just where were heading
I can remember, those we had were the best of times
I'm a fool for those things like you still need me

I'll never go never go till I hear you say.....

Do you still need me, like you did the first time
You wouldn't leave me, not for a moment
Where are your kisses, that would keep me awake all night
I'm a fool for those things like you still need me
Do you still love me, was it love anyway
You live in you world, and I can't follow
If you still need me, then I wish I could hear you say
I'm a fool for those things like you still love me

Do you still need me


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