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Garbage - Boys Wanna Fight / 2005

Adaugat de corina 28.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.048 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Garbage - Boys Wanna Fight


The boys want to fight
But the girls are happy to dance all night

They know best how they can mess with us
Nursing an opinion's getting dangerous
And in a world where good's not good enough
Let's get loaded and kick up a fuss

The boys want to fight
But the girls are happy to dance all night
The boys want to fight
But the girls are happy to dance all night
Is there anybody else?

What a mess we've made
It's ridiculous
The whole wide world's a stage of complete chaos
It's gets so funny that we get confused
We don't know where to turn cause we've all been used

The boys want to fight
But the girls are happy to dance all night
The boys want to fight
But the girls are happy to dance all night
Is there anybody else?

Let's get loaded (oh let's be selfish)
Let's get wasted (and lose our senses)
Let's get shit faced (so we can fake it)
Let's get stupid (just entertain us)
Let's get wicked (desensitize us)
Let's get toasted (don't educate us)
Let's get hammered (yeah paralyze us)
Let's forget it (don't count on all )

The boys want to fight
But the girls are happy to dance all night
The boys want to fight
But the girls are happy to dance all night
Is there anybody else?

I'm sick sick sick of saying nothing
Sick sick sick sick of doing nothing
I'm sick sick sick of saying nothing
But letA´s get loaded


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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