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Garbage - Metal Heart / 2005

Adaugat de corina 28.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 703 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Garbage - Metal Heart


I wish I had a metal heart
I could cross the line
I wish that I was half as good
As you think I am

But now that we know for sure theyA´re telling lies when they say
No one gets hurt and therefore nobody dies
You know itA´s hard to believe anything that you hear
They say the world is round

Wish I was as big as you
YouA´d have to tell the truth
IA´d be nothing you could hurt
Nothing you could use

But now that we know for sure theyA´re telling lies when they say
No one gets hurt and therefore nobody dies
You know itA´s hard to believe anything that you hear
They say the world is round
The world is round?

I want to be dependable, I want to be courageous and good
I want to be faithful so that I can be heroic and true
I want to be a friend you can rely on you can lean on and trust
I want to understand so I can forgive and be willing to love

I wish I wasn't flesh and blood
I would not be scared
Of bullets built with me in mind
For then I could be saved

My sweet lord take care of me for I think iA´m done
Kiss my mother on her cheek and lay my burden down

But now that we know for sure theyA´re telling lies when they say
No one gets hurt and therefore nobody dies
You know itA´s hard to believe anything that you hear
They say the world is round
The world is round?
The world is round?!


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