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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Foo Fighters - Wind Up / 1997

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Adaugat de margareta 26.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.343 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Foo Fighters - Wind Up


I have a choice between the bat or the belt
Each time I hear about the hand you've been dealt
Spare me confession it's confession you sell
Maybe I'll fall behind but I don't mind because I'll catch up

I want a song that's indelible
Like manimal
I hope you never see me wind up

Will I be happy on the back of the shelf
Will you be happy when we're sharing a cell
Spare me your questions since you know me so well
Someday you'll realize that I get shy and I choke up

I want a song that's indelible
Like manimal
I hope you never see me wind up

What is wrong with this animal
I'm terrible
I hope you never see me wind up

Farewell my sweet paramania
Farewell my sweet paramania

My only promise is that I'll never tell
Keep you at a distance from the things that I felt
I'll bite the bullet take the beating until
I take it all back anyway what was I supposed to say?

I want a song that's indelible
Like manimal
I hope you never see me wind up

What is wrong with this animal
I'm terrible
I hope you never see me wind up


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