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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Foo Fighters - This Is a Call / 1995

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Adaugat de margareta 26.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.972 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Foo Fighters - This Is a Call

Albumm:Foo Fighters – Foo Fighters / anul 1995
Alternative rock, grunge, post-grunge


Visiting is pretty
Visiting is good
Seems that all they ever wanted was a brother

This can be a secret
We can keep it good
Even all the ever wanting had a problem

This is a call to all my
Past resignations
This is a call to all

Fingernails are pretty
Fingernails are good
Seems that all they ever wanted was a marking

Them balloons are pretty big
And say they should
Ever fall to ground
Call the magic marker

This is a call to all my
Past resignations
This is a call to all
This is a call to all my
Past resignations
It's been too long

Minocin is pretty
Minocin is good
Even all the cysts and mollusks tend to barter

Ritalin is easy
Ritalin is good
Even all the ones
Who watered down the daughter

This is a call to all my
Past resignations
This is a call to all
This is a call to all my
Past resignations
It's been too long

Fingernails are pretty
Fingernails are good
Seems that all they ever wanted was a marking

Them balloons are pretty big
And say they should
Ever fall to ground
Call the magic marker

This is a call to all my
Past resignations
This is a call to all
This is a call to all my
Past resignations
It's been too long


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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