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Nirvana - Plateau / 1994 live

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Adaugat de maxim 25.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.337 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Nirvana - Plateau


Many a hand has scaled the grand old face of the plateau
Some belong to strangers and some to folks you know
Holy ghosts and talk-show hosts are planted in the sand
To beautify the foothills and shake the many hands

Nothing on the top, but a bucket and a mop
and an illustrated book about birds
You see a lot up there, but don't be scared
Who needs action when you got words

Finish with the mop, then you can stop
and look at what you've done
Plateau's clean, no dirt to be seen
and in a word, it was fun

Nothing on the top, but a bucket and a mop
and an illustrated book about birds
You see a lot up there but don't be scared
Who needs action when you got words

Many hands began to scan around for the next plateau
Some said it was Greenland and some say Mexico
Others decided it was nowhere except for where they stood
Those were all just guesses, wouldn't help you if they could


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