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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Ace of Base - Adventures In Paradise / 1998

  Asculta tot albumul (click aici)  
Adaugat de fata 22.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.901 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Ace of Base - Adventures In Paradise


We wanna be alone tonight
'Til early in the morning light
Out in the open you are here
Adventures in paradise

We wanna be alone tonight
'Til early in the morning light
Exploring what the nature brings
Adventures in paradise
Adventures in paradise

Oh give me what I need tonight
Oh you know what I want tonight
Oh give me what I need tonight,
Adventures in paradise

We wanna be alone tonight
'Til early in the morning light
Exploring what the nature brings
Adventures in paradise
Adventures in paradise

Oh give me what I need tonight
Oh you know what I want tonight
Oh give me what I need tonight,
Adventures in paradise

Oh give me what I need tonight
Oh you know what I want tonight
Oh give me what I need tonight,
Adventures in paradise

When the moon is at its height
And nobody is in sight
We're hiding from the world we used to like
And will stories then be told
Of what we did here tonight
You will always be my number one

Oh give me what I need tonight
Oh you know what I want tonight
Oh give me what I need tonight,
Adventures in paradise

Oh give me what I need tonight
Oh you know what I want tonight
Oh give me what I need tonight,
Adventures in paradise

Oh give me what I need tonight
Oh you know what I want tonight
Oh give me what I need tonight,
Adventures in paradise

Oh give me what I need tonight


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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