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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Ace of Base - Perfect World / 1995

  Asculta tot albumul (click aici)  
Adaugat de fata 22.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.571 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Ace of Base - Perfect World


They say the time has come for us
To start again
I believe that's true
They say the time has come for us
To make amends
And I believe that too
Why? Tell me
Why is it all so hard to find?
I pray each day

For a perfect world
Where children are laughing
Lovers romancing
Time stands still
A perfect world
There's nothing to cry for
No one to die for
In a perfect world

Our father's fathers says that
Things were better then
How easy they forget
On every page in every book of history
A thousand tears were shed
There's hope in our hearts
And love in our eyes
Day after day I keep searching
Why? Tell me
Why Is it all so hard to find?
I pray each day (each day)

For a perfect world
Where children are laughing
Lovers romancing
Time stands still
A perfect world
There's nothing to cry for
No one to die for
In a perfect world

Show me the way I'm to understand
To prove to myself that I'm the man
That you love to come down from above

Travel cross the seven seas
To be with you
Passion and desire
Will see me through
The road that I must travel
Will wind and curl
You're all I ever needed
In a perfect world

(Believe in love)
Perfect world
(believe in love)
Passion and desire
(believe in love)
To be with you
(believe in love)
A perfect world
(believe in love)
There's nothing to cry for
No one to die for
(Believe in love)
In a perfect world


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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