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Jeff Buckley - Nightmares by the Sea [Original Mix] 1998

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Adaugat de tita 20.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.238 vizualizari

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Jeff Buckley - Nightmares by the Sea [Original Mix]


Beware the bottled thoughts of angry young men
Secret compartments hide all of the skeletons
Little girl wants to make her home with him
In the middle of the shore, she wonders

"Don't know what you asked for."
"Don't know what you asked for."

All young lovers know why
Nightmares blind their mind's eye
Your rube is young and handsome
So new to your bedroom floor
You know damn well where you'll go

I've loved so many times and I've drowned them all
From their coral graves, they rise up when darkness falls
With their bones they'll scratch the window, I hear them call

"Don't know what you asked for."
"Don't know what you asked for."
"Don't know what you asked for."

All young lovers know why
Nightmares blind their mind's eye
Your rube is young and handsome
So new to your bedroom floor
You know damn well where you'll go

Stay with me under these waves, tonight
Be free for once in your life tonight

Your rube is young and handsome
So new to your bedroom floor
You know damn well where you'll go

All young lovers know why
Nightmares blind their mind's eye
Your rube is young and handsome
So new to your bedroom floor
You know damn well where you'll go

All young lovers know why
Nightmares blind their mind's eye
Your rube is young and handsome
So new to your bedroom floor
You know damn well where you'll go.


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