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Hole - Credit in the Straight World / 1994

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Adaugat de pele 14.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.446 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Hole - Credit in the Straight World


And I will awake
Your highness- I'm so high I cannot walk
And I will awake
You cripple, you take away my time, my peace, my empathy
No babies sleep on atrophy
Your unborn love and fetal's dree
My bitter [ ] legless caress
Go for credit in the straight world
Look a dealer in the eye
Go for credit in the real world, won't you try?
I got some credit in the straight world
I lost a leg, I lost an eye
Go for credit in the real world you will die
It's the credit in the straight world
Leave your money when you die
Lots of credit in the straight world gets you high
I got some credit in the straight world
I lost a leg, I lost an eye
Go for credit in the real world, you will die


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