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Oasis - Rock 'n' Roll Star / 1994

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Adaugat de mihail 10.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.593 vizualizari

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Oasis - Rock 'n' Roll Star


Ilive my life in the city
There's no easy way out
The day's moving just too fast for me
I need some time in the sunshine
I gotta slow it right down
The day's moving just too fast for me

I live my life for the stars that shine
People say it's just a waste of time
When they said I should feed my head
That to me was just a day in bed
I'll take my car and I drive real far
To where they're not concerned about the way we are
In my mind my dreams are real
Are you concerned about the way I feel

Tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star
Tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star

I live my life in the city
There's no easy way out
The day's moving just too fast for me
I need some time in the sunshine
I gotta slow it right down
The day's moving just too fast for me

I live my life for the stars that shine
People say it's just a waste of time
When they said I should feed my head
That to me was just a day in bed
I'll take my car and I drive real far
To where they're not concerned about the way we are
In my mind my dreams are real
Are you concerned about the way I feel

Tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star
Tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star
Tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star

Youre not down with who I am
Look at you now youre all in my hands tonight!

Tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star
Tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star
Tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star

Its just rock n roll
Its just rock n roll
Its just rock n roll
Its just rock n roll
Its just rock n roll
Its just rock n roll
Its just rock n roll
Its just rock n roll

Albumm:Oasis – Definitely Maybe / anul 1994

Rock, Britpop


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