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Portishead - It Could Be Sweet / 1994

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Adaugat de marea 03.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.461 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Portishead - It Could Be Sweet


I don't want to hurt you
For no reason have I but fear
And I ain't guilty of the crimes you accuse me of
But I'm guilty of fear

I'm sorry to remind
You but I'm scared of what we're creating
This life ain't fair
You don't get something for nothing, turn now
Mmmm gotta try a little harder

It could be sweet
Like a long forgotten dream
And we don't need them to cast the fate we have
Love don't always shine thru

Cos I don't wanna lose
What we had last time your leaving this life ain't fair
You don't get something for nothing, turn now
Mmmm gotta try a little harder

It could be sweet.....

But the thoughts we try to deny
Take a toll upon our lives
We struggle on in depths of pride
Tangled up in single minds

Cos I don't wanna lose
What we had last time your leaving this life ain't fair
You don't get something for nothing, turn back
Mmmm gotta try a little harder

Cos I don't wanna lose
What we had last time your leaving this life ain't fair
You don't get something for nothing, turn back
Mmmm gotta try a little harder

It could be sweet


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