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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Amanda Lear - Alphabet (Prelude In C By J.S. Bach / 1977

Adaugat de tita 10.08.2013  Adauga la favorite 552 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Alphabet (Prelude in C By J.S. Bach)


This is my alphabet
Because time goes on,
and things are changing in my world,
here is a new alphabet
for the children of my generation.
Of course all this words have a meaning for me,
but other generations might find a different mood to their world

My alphabet goes like this

A stands for anything
and B for bionic and Bach
C stands for claustrophobia
D for dirty old man
E stands for everyone
F is full frontal and friends
G of course, stands for getting a divorce
H now stands for Hijacking
and I for a king size ego

J now stands for Je crois and ja
K is to does who kiss and tell
and leading lady stars with L
Naturally M is for me
N is for never again
O is for that famous story
and P for paying and poberty
Q stands for quality wich is better
than quantity
R stand for rock and roll fan
S is sexy and sad
T drives them totally mad
and U are everything to me
V stands for little vudu
and W for where and when
X sounds extremely misterious
Y is a question I keep asking
and Z dear child, for the Zero you will get if you don't learn my alphabet!


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