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Morrissey - The National Front Disco / 1992

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Adaugat de sarba 07.08.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.485 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Morrissey - The National Front Disco


David, the wind blows
The wind blows...
Bits of your life away
Your friends all say...
"Where is our boy ? Oh, we've lost our boy"
But they should know
Where you've gone
Because again and again you've explained that
You're going to...
Oh, you're going to ...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
England for the English!
England for the English!

David, the wind's blown
The wind's blown...
All of my dreams away
And I still say:
"Where is our boy? Ah, we've lost our boy"
But I should know
Why you've gone
Because again and again you've explained
You've gone to the National, oh...
To the National..
There's a country, you don't live there
But one day you would like to
And if you show them what you're made of
Oh, then you might do...

But David, we wonder
We wonder if the thunder
Is ever really gonna begin, begin, begin
Your mom says:
"I've lost my boy"
But she should know
Why you've gone
Because again and again you've explained
You've gone to the National
To the National
To the National Front Disco
Because you want the day to come sooner
You want the day to come sooner
You want the day to come sooner
When you've settled the score

Oh, the National
Oh, the National


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