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Pavement - Trigger Cut / Wounded-Kite at :17 / 1992

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Adaugat de femeia 06.08.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.590 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Pavement - Trigger Cut / Wounded-Kite at :17


Lies and betrayals
Fruit-covered nails
Electricity and lust won't break the door
I've got a heavy coat- it's filled with rocks and sand
And if i lose it i'll be comin' back today
(i've got a message for you)
i'll be comin' back today
(i keep it in my hand)
you know i'm comin' back one day
(i've got a sister or two)
and i'll be comin' back today

ex-magician, still knows the tricks
tricks are everything to me
until it's free- i've got a trigger cut
and i can't pull it back
but if i learn how i'll be coming back today
(i've got a message for you)
i'll be coming back today
(i keep it in my hand)
you just look at me and say
(i've got a sister or two)
you know i wish you went away

i learned the truth
the truth of the words
truth i made for you
because it's just as good
and if i spit it out
before i chew the ring
i'll rearrange it
'til it looks just right today
(i've got a message for you)
and i'll be comin' back back my way
(i keep it in my hand)
you will look at me and say
(i've got a sister or two)
you just wish i went away


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