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The Rolling Stones - Ain't Too Proud To Beg / live 1973

Adaugat de orly 04.08.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.140 vizualizari

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The Rolling Stones - Ain't Too Proud To Beg


I know you wanna leave me, but I refuse to let you go
If I have to beg, plead for sympathy
I don't mind, 'cause it means that much to me
Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin'
Please don't leave me, don't you go
Ain't too proud to plead, baby, baby
Please don't leave me, don't you go
Well I heard a cryin' man is half a man, with no sense of pride
If I have to cry to keep ya I don't mind weepin'
If weepin' gonna keep ya by my side
Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin'
Please don't leave me, don't you go
Ain't too proud to plead, baby, baby
Please don't leave me, don't you go
If I have to sleep on your doorstep all night and day
Just to keep you from walkin' away
Let your friends laugh, even this I can stand
'Cause I wanna I keep ya, yeah, yeah, I can
Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin'
Please don't leave me, don't you go
Ain't too proud to plead, baby, baby
Please don't leave me, don't you go
(instumental break)
Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin'
Please don't leave me, don't you go
Ain't too proud to plead, baby, baby
Please don't leave me, don't you go
I got a love so deep in the pit of my heart


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