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Sinead O'Connor - I Am Stretched on Your Grave / 1990

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Adaugat de sahia 18.07.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.472 vizualizari

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Sinead O'Connor - I Am Stretched on Your Grave


I am streched on your grave
And will lie there forever
If your hands were in mine
I'd be sure we'd not sever
My apple tree my brightness
It's time we were together
For I smell of the earth
And am worn by the weather
When my family thinks
That I'm save in my bed
From night until morning
I'm streched on your head
Calling out to the air
With tears hot and wild
My grief for the girl
That I loved as a child
Do you remember
The night we were lost
In the shade of the blackthorn
And the chill of the frost
Thanks be to Jesus
We did what was right
And your maidenhead still
Is your pillar of light
The priests and the friars
Approach me in dread
Because I still love you
My love and your dead
I still would be your shelter
Through rain and through storm
And with you in your cold grave
I cannot sleep warm
So I'm streched on your grave
and I will lie there forever
if your hands were in mine
I'd be sure we'd not sever
My apple tree my brightness
It's time we were together
For I smell on earth
and am worn by the weather


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