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Sinead O'Connor - Feel So Different / 1990

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Adaugat de sahia 18.07.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.675 vizualizari

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Sinead O'Connor - Feel So Different


I am not like I was before
I thought that nothing would change me
I was not listening anymore
Still you continued to affect me

I was not thinking anymore
Although I said I still was
I'd said "I don't want anymore"
Because of bad experience

But now I feel so different
I feel so different
I feel so different

I have not seen freedom before
And I did not expect to
Don't let me forget now I'm here
Help me to help you to behold you

I started off with many friends
And we spent a long time talking
Thought they meant every word they said
But like everyone else they were stalling

And now they seem so different
They seem so different
They seem so different

I should have hatred for you
But I do not have any
And I have always loved you
Oh, you have taught me plenty

The whole time I'd never seen
All you had spread before me
The whole time I'd never seen
That all I'd need was inside me

Now I feel so different
I feel so different
I feel so different

Albumm:Sinead O'Connor – I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got / anul 1990

Alternative rock, pop rock


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