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Neil Young - Mansion on the Hill / 1990

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Adaugat de carol 15.07.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.441 vizualizari

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Neil Young - Mansion on the Hill


Well, I saw an old man
walking in my place
And he looked at me,
it could have been my face
His words were kind
but his eyes were wild
He said: I got load to love,
but I want one more child.

There's a mansion on the hill
Psychedelic music fills the air
Peace and love live there still
In that mansion on the hill.

Around the next bend,
take the highway to the sun
Or the rocky road,
it really don't matter
which one
I was in hurry
but that don't matter now
'Cause I have to get off
that road of tears somehow.

There's a mansion on the hill
Psychedelic music fills the air
Peace and love live there still
In that mansion on the hill.


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