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Kate Bush - Constellation of the Heart / 1993

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Adaugat de tanita 30.06.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.310 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kate Bush - Constellation of the Heart


We take all the telescopes
And we turn them inside out
And we point them away from the big sky
Put your eye right up to the glass, now
And here we'll find the constellation of the heart

Steer your life by these stars
On the unconditional chance
'Tis here where Hell and Heaven dance
This is the constellation of the heart

We take all the telescopes
And we turn them inside out
And we point them away from the big sky
Put your eye right up to the glass, now
And here we'll find the constellation of the heart

The constellation of the heart
The constellation of the heart

We take all the telescopes
And we turn them inside out
And we point them away from the big sky
Put your eye right up to the glass, now
And here we'll find the constellation of the heart

The constellation of the heart
The constellation of the heart

Well we think you'd better wake up capt'n
There's something happen'n up ahead
We've never seen anything like it
We've never seen anything like it before

I want a full report
That's it
What do you mean, "That's it?"
That's all you get
You'd better do something 'bout it
What am I supposed to do about it?
We don't know, but you can't run away from it
Maybe you'd better face it
I can't do that
C'mon face it!
I can't do that
C'mon, c'mon face it
What am I gonna do?
It is gonna hurt, it is gonna hurt me bad?

Ooh here's the constellation of the heart

Who said anything about it hurting?
It's gonna be beautiful
It's gonna be wonderful
It's gonna be paradise

(Just being alive, it can really hurt...)
Ooh find me the man with the ladder
And he might lift me up to the stars

(Without the pain there'd be no learning
Without the hurting we'd never change.)

Oooh and if you see the woman with the key
I hear she's opening up the doors to Heaven
Oh and here comes the man with the stick
He said he'd fish me out of the moon

Ohoh here's the constellation of the heart
It is the constellation of the heart

Oh yes it is the constellation of the heart


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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