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Kate Bush - Top of the City / 1993

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Adaugat de tanita 30.06.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.579 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kate Bush - Top of the City


One more step to the top of the city
Where just a couple of pigeons are living
Up on the angel's shoulders

I don't know if I'm closer to Heaven but
It looks like Hell down there
These streets have never been paved with gold
Welcome to the loneliest city in the world
It's no good for you baby
It's no good for you now
Keep looking up for the ladder

I don't know if you'll love me for it
But I don't think we should suffer this
There's just one thing we can do about it

Take me up to the top of the city
Take me up to the top of the city
Take me up to the top of the city
And put me up on the angel's shoulders

See how that building there is nearly built
There's a big fire over on the north of the city
I see you walking down the street with her
I see your lights going on and off
She's no good for you baby
She's no good for you now
Look I'm here with the ladder

I don't know if you love me or not
But I don't think we should ever suffer
There's just one thing we can do about this

Take me up to the top of the city
Take me up to the top of the city
Up to the highest point of the city
One more step to the top of the city
Put me up on the angel's shoulders

And I don't mind if it's dangerous
I don't mind if it's raining
Take me up to the top of the city

And put me up on the angel's shoulders
Take me up to the top of the city
Mmm yes, one more step to the top of the city
And put me up on the angel's shoulders


Semnaleaza o problema


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