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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


XTC - That's Really Super, Supergirl / 1986

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Adaugat de marea 21.05.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.640 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
XTC - That's Really Super, Supergirl


I can't hold you down
If you want to fly
Can't you see I'm all broke up inside
Well just you use your two X Ray eyes

Hurt like Kryptonite
Put me on my knees
Now that I've found out just what you're doing
With your secret identities

That's really super Supergirl
How you saved yourself in seconds flat
And your friends are going to say
That's really super Supergirl
How you're changing all the world's weather
But you couldn't put us back together
Now I feel like I'm tethered deep
Inside your Fortress of Solitude
Don't mean to be rude
But I don't feel super

I won't call again
Even in a jam
Now I realise you could be on a mission
Saving some other man

That's really super Supergirl
How you saved yourself in seconds flat
And your friends are going to say
That's really super Supergirl
How you stopped the universe from dying
But you're never going to stop me crying
And I feel like you're trying hard
To sweep me like dirt underneath your cape
Well I might be an ape
But I used to feel super

That's really super Supergirl
How you saved yourself in seconds flat
And your friends are going to say
That's really super Supergirl
How you're changing the world's weather
But you couldn't put us back together
Super Supergirl
How you stopped the universe from dying
But you're never going to stop me crying
Super Supergirl
I'm here in your Fortress of Solitude
Don't mean to be rude
But I don't feel super


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