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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Slayer - Chemical Warfare / 1990

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Adaugat de aires 20.05.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.207 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Slayer - Chemical Warfare


Frantic minds are terrified, life lies in a grave
Silent death rides high above, on the wings of revelation
Multi-death from chemicals, arrogance has won
Annihilation must be swift, destroy without destruction
Gods of the throne must be watching from Hell
Awaiting the mass genocide
Soldiers defeated by death from a smell
Bodies lie dormant no life
Rising new souls on the land where they fell
Demons not ready to die
Nothing to see where the sleeping souls lie
Chemical warfare
Artificial fucking peace, line up in a death row
Generals in their slow defeat, diminish from this Hell
Banished from the dying world, the lords of Hell await
Dogs of war are helpless prey to immortality
Gods of the throne must be watching from Hell
Awaiting the mass genocide
Soldiers defeated by death from a smell
Bodies lie dormant no life
Rising new souls on the land where they fell
Demons not ready to die
Nothing to see where the sleeping souls lie
Chemical warfare
Fuck it up!
The torture kills the troops that try to fight
Human pesticide bring days of doom
Mist falls
The deadly gas that brings them to their knees
Steal the soul and send his corpse to Hell
Mummified regions lying in dust, fall victim to this game
Petrified corpses bathing in rust, taken without being blamed
Falsified spirits farther they fall, soon they will join us in Hell
See the sky burning, the gates are ablaze, Satan waits eager to merge
Gods of the throne must be watching from Hell
Awaiting the mass genocide
Soldiers defeated by death from a smell
Bodies lie dormant no life
Rising new souls on the land where they fell
Demons not ready to die
Nothing to see where the sleeping souls lie
Chemical warfare


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