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Hanoi Rocks - Ice Cream Summer / 1983

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Adaugat de camel 28.04.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.550 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Hanoi Rocks - Ice Cream Summer


Rosalita, now our summer's gone and you've left me all alone
You know I never expected, no I never suspected that
You came to me to steal my love away
You said I've always been a dreamer
'Cos dreaming is all I've ever done
Just like our summer, I thought it would last forever
But as the autumn came, you had gone away
All the promises you broke meant more to me than gold
Now I'm all alone in the heartbreak zone
And the winter will be cold without you
You said I was a born loser
'Cos losing is all I've ever done
Like when I lost you, it proved that all you said was true
And now without you I feel I'm being used
All the promises you broke meant more to me than gold
And now I'm all alone in the heartbreak zone
And the winter will be cold without you my Rosalita
All there is left is a photograph
You smile and the ice cream's meltin' down your pants
And I keep living on, you're in the past, it's been so long
Since the Ice Cream Summer, it's forgotten now it's gone
Now you're just a memory, don't mean nothing more to me
A photo among others of my old friends and my lovers
And the winter is gone, a new summer's coming on
A new summer's coming on for you as well somewhere Rosalita


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