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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


The Undertones - There Goes Norman / 1980

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Adaugat de silvia1 13.04.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.739 vizualizari

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The Undertones - There Goes Norman

Versuri/ text:

Oh watch a man - there goes Norman
He'll get you if he can - there goes Norman
He's always hiding in the dark
Be sure to wander past the park at night

Oh what a surprise - there goes Norman
He'll poke out your eyes - there goes Norman
he never let's himself be heard
Too busy running after girls at night

There goes Norman
There goes Norman

Mother tell me what can I do ?
The girls are laughing they're very cruel
Don't worry Norman your time'll come
And you can mean them and bring them home

He's out to night - there goes Norman
He'll slain tonight - there goes Norman
meanwhile the cops are on the heat
Cos Norman's waiting in the street tonight


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