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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Dead Kennedys - Your Emotions / 1980

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Adaugat de madam 10.04.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.368 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Dead Kennedys - Your Emotions


Your mommy told you this
And your daddy told you that
Always think like this
And never do that
You learned so many feelings
But what is there to that
Which are really yours
Or are you just a copycat

Your school told you this
And your church told you that
Memorize this
And don't you dare look at that
Just a tape recorder
Mimicking of the bores

You're so boring boring boring
Always tape machine recording
You're so boring boring boring
I've heard all this before

Planless and mindless
Scraps from anywhere
Bunch of used parts
From garbage pails everywhere
Frankenstein became a monster
Just like you
Your scars only show
When someone talks to you

You're so boring boring boring
Always tape machine recording
You're so boring boring boring
I've heard all this before [x3]


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