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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Billy Joel – Everybody Has a Dream/The Stranger 1977

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Adaugat de pache 11.03.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.840 vizualizari

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Billy Joel – Everybody Has a Dream/The Stranger


While in these days of quiet desperation,
as I wander through the world in which I live,
I search everywhere for some new inspiration,
but it's more than cold reality can give.
If I need a cause for celebration
or a comfort I can use to ease my mind,
I rely on my imagination,
and I dream of an imaginary time.

Oh oh, and I know that
everybody has a dream.
Everybody has a dream.
Everybody has a dream.
And this is my dream, my own,
just to be at home, and to be alone with you.

If I believe in all the words I'm saying,
and if a word from you can bring a better day
then all I have are these games that I've been playing
to keep my hope from crumbling away.
So let me lie, and let me go on sleeping,
and I will lose myself in palaces of sand.
And all the fantasies that I will be keeping
will make the empty hours easier, easier to stand.

And I know that
everybody has a dream.
Everybody has a dream.
Everybody has a dream.
And this is my dream, my own, just to be at home,
and to be all alone, all alone with you.
Oh, oh, with you.

And I know that
everybody has a dream, oh oh,
everybody has a dream.
I know that everybody has a dream, everybody
(Everybody has a dream) Everybody, everybody.
Everybody has a dream, I know that
(Everybody has a dream) Everybody
(Everybody has a dream)
(Everybody has a dream) Everybody has a dream.
(Everybody has a dream)


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