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Randy Newman - Guilty / 1974

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Adaugat de marcus 28.02.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.406 vizualizari

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Randy Newman - Guilty /1979


Yeah baby, I've been drinking,
and I shouldn't come by I know
But I found myself in trouble darling,
and I had nowhere else to go

Got some whiskey from a bar man,
got some cocaine from a friend
I just had to keep on moving,
till I was back in your arms again

Well I'm guilty, yeah I'm guilty,
I'll be guilty for the rest of my life
How come I never do,
what I'm supposed to do
How come nothing that I try to do ever turns out right

Well you know how it is with me baby,
you know I just can't stand myself
It takes a whole lot of medicine,
for me to pretend to be somebody else


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