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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Eagles - Tryin' / 1972

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Adaugat de victoria 16.02.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.821 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Eagles - Tryin'


I'm just arriving in the city
and there's music on my mind
lookin' for my destination and
my home is far behind
'Cause it's a long road ahead
and you can make it in the end
and I'm gonna make it with my friends
And I'm tryin'
It took me sometime to see it
now I'm looking through this world
and it's gonna take some time before
I get back, help me girl
'cause you can make it if you try
you gotta lay it on the line
and everything will be fine if you try
Sittin' smokin' just a thinkin'
is an easy thing to do
We gotta keep on trying for
the feelin' to come through
and it's a lonely way to live
you gotta take it, you gotta live
if you mistake it, just try again
and I'm trying, yeah!
Got to keep on trying
Ah, we got to keep on trying
Yeah I'm trying.... etc..


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