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Emerson, Lake and Palmer - Infinite Space / 1971

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Adaugat de ghidul 08.02.2013  Adauga la favorite 582 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Emerson, Lake and Palmer - Infinite Space (Conclusion)


People has stirred moved by the word.
Kneel at the shrine, deceived by the wine.
How was the earth conceived? Infinite space.
Is there such a place? You must believe in the human race.

Can you believe, God makes you breathe.
Why did he lose six million Jews.

Touched by the wings, fears angel brings
Sad winter storm, grey autumn dawn
Who looks on life itself, who lights your way?
Only you can say. How can you just obey?

Don't need the word, now that you've heard.
Don't be afraid: man is man made.
And when the our comes, don't turn the away.
Face the light of day. And do it your away.
It's the only way.


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