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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


John Lennon - Power to the People / 1970 live

Adaugat de matusa 01.02.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.724 vizualizari

Nota film: 4.75 / 5 (4 voturi )
John Lennon - Power to the People


Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on

Say you want a revolution
We better get on right away
Well you get on your feet
And out on the street

Singing power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on

A million workers working for nothing
You better give 'em what they really own
We got to put you down
When we come into town

Singing power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on

I gotta ask you comrades and brothers
How do you treat you own woman back home
She got to be herself
So she can free herself

Singing power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
Now, now, now, now

Oh well, power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on

Yeah, power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on

Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on



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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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