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Country Joe McDonald - Kiss my Ass / 1969

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Adaugat de Alexandra 29.12.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.203 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Country Joe McDonald - Kiss my Ass

I got out of school and I was feeling kinda down,
I thought I'd join the Army just to take a look around.
I went on down to the recruiter man
And that's when all my troubles began.

Well, I've been up, down and around
This country more than a couple of times,
But I never knew until I got into the Army
That thinking for yourself was a crime.

Get over here, stand over there,
Let's see your identification.
Shut your mouth, son, get back in line,
We're sending you to South East Asia.

Well, they gave me some shoes that hurt my feet
They gave me some food not fit to eat,
They told me that I wasn't fighting alone,
They sent me to Saigon and they stayed home.

Well, I've been up, down and around
This country more than a couple of times,
But I never knew until I got into the Army
That thinking for yourself was a crime.

Get over here, stand over there,
Let's see your identification.
Shut your mouth, son, get back in line,
We're sending you to South East Asia.
All right.

One, two, three, four,
We don't want your fuckin' war,
A, B, C, D,
Get someone else, hey don't get me,
Left, right, left, right,
You know the whole damn thing puts me uptight.

I done my duty and I fought my fight
And I thought I knew I was doing right,
But that's all over, I'm free at last,
An' if they want any more, they can kiss my ass.

'Cause I've been up and down and around
This country more than a couple of times,
But I never knew until I got into the Army
That thinking for yourself was a crime.

Get over here, stand over there,
Let's see your identification.
Shut your mouth, son, get back in line,
We're sending you to South East Asia



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