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Country Joe & the Fish - Love / 1967

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Adaugat de Alexandra 29.12.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.628 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Country Joe & the Fish - Love
versuri/text :

Oh, c'mon!
Well, now deep in my heart baby I know that you care,
Deep in my heart, babe, the feeling is there,
'Cause I got something money can't buy,
I got something that you oughta try,
I got love, love, I said love, sweet love,
I got love, baby, yeah!

Well, I can tell by your smile what you wanna do,
See in your eyes you got the feeling, too.
Come on, baby, it's time to move,
'Cause I've got something that's a stone groove,
I got love, love, I said love, sweet love,
I got love, baby.

Well, now deep in my heart baby I know that you care,
Deep in my heart, babe, the feeling is there,
'Cause I got something money can't buy,
I got something that you oughta try,
I got love, love, I said love, sweet love,
I got love, baby, yeah!


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