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Astrud Gilberto - Stay / 1966

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Adaugat de Alexandra 28.12.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.496 vizualizari

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Astrud Gilberto - Stay / 1966

Albumm : Astrud Gilberto – Beach Samba / anul

Versuri / Text :
Stay, and we'll make such sweet music.

Come hear the lovebird, he's just out the window.
We'll hear the night sing and bathe in a star glow,
and we'll feel the breeze blow slow warmth.

So, stay, and we'll make such sweet music.

Everything changes, there's light when the world's dark,
Moments have silence, but we hear a skylark.
We both hear a skylark in tune.

For time is running, take everything life can bring you.
You know it's true so take it, even fake it 'til it comes true.

Stay, and we'll make such sweet music.

You ask the reason, the night has the answer.
Bring me your free soul, and I'll make your heart sure.
We'll both feel so heart sure, so stay, so stay.....


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