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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Sarah Vaughan - Be Anything But Darling Be Mine 1957

Adaugat de jupan 14.12.2012  Adauga la favorite 883 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Sarah Vaughan - Be Anything But Darling Be Mine


Be a beggar, be a thief,
be my sunshine or my grief,
be anything, but darling, be mine.

Be a wise man, be a fool,
treat me tender or be cruel,
be anything, but darling, be mine.

Climb to the top of the ladder,
be master of all you survey,
fail and it still doesn't matter,
if you love me, everything's ok.

Be the angel of my prayers,
be the devil, who cares?
be anything, but darling, be mine.

Be anything but darling, please be mine.
Be anything, oh but darling please be mine

Climb to the top of the ladder,
be master of all you survey,
fail and it still doesn't matter,
if you love me, everything's ok.

Be the angel of my prayers,
be the devil, who cares?
be anything, but darling, be mine


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