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Sleater Kinney - Youth Decay / 2000

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Adaugat de laura 23.11.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.224 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )

"Acid tooth
It's got nothing to do with you
but if you wanna watch me chew
my teeth are cutting you out

Well it must be in your head
It must be something that you did
Food just doesn't seem to work out
Am I rotting out?

Daddy says I got my mama's mouth
I'm all about
a forked tongue and a dirty house
Mom has said
yes this happened to me long ago
and if you've got the same hurting oh
But no one would believe me when i said:

Close my mouth
Was I born to accommodate
I'm so good at playing dead
words just don't seem to come out
Should I eat something sweet instead
wash away all those things we said
how many doctors will it take
Oooh Oooh befoe i disintegrate"


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