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Elliott Smith - Pretty Mary K / 2000

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Adaugat de farul 21.11.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.589 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Elliott Smith - Pretty Mary K


Pretty Mary K walks along the docks
With some sailor's pay shoved down in her sock
Pretty Mary K with some little boy in blue
Who can't stay away from you

Pretty Mary K... took him back to town
I'm down here by the bay where the water pounds
Up against the wall, crying black and blue
He keeps me away from you

Pretty words that you whisper, maybe I misunderstood
Somebody's not paying attention
What they promised and their word isn't good

Oh, Mary K, I can see your face
Down there in the waves, painted and erased
But I know it's just the reflection of the moon
A big fake resembling you

Gonna go down in the water, fill my mouth up full of sand
I'll be waiting, still impatient
With my dead imagination while you're with some other man

Pretty Mary K is off in somebody's room
I'm down here by the bay with my arm around the moon
But I'll be with you soon, just as soon as I've paid
I walk across the water with pretty Mary k
Walk on the water, pretty Mary K


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