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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Sleater Kinney - Things You Say / 1997

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Adaugat de laura 13.11.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.680 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Sleater Kinney - Things You Say



got this feeling when i heard your name the other day
couldn't say it, couldn't make it go away
it's a hard place, can't be friends, we can't be enemies
it's just too much, feel the weight crushing down on my face

the hardest part is things already said
getting better, worse, i can not tell
why do good things never wanna stay?
some things you lose, some things you give away

broken pieces, try to make it good again
is it worth it, will it make me sick today
it's a dumb song, but i'll write it anyway
it's an old mistake, but we always make it, why do we

the hardest part is things already said
getting better, worse, i can not tell
why do good things never wanna stay?
some things you lose, some things you give away

this time, it'll be alright
this time, it'll be okay
this time, it'll be alright
this time, it'll be okay

the hardest part is things already said
getting better, worse, i can not tell
why do good things never wanna stay?
some things you lose, some things you give away
some things you lose, some things you give away


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