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Alison Krauss - Happines / 1997

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Adaugat de carol 09.11.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.688 vizualizari

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Alison Krauss - Happines

Versuri/ text:

With your love i was complete
Like a haven safe from harm
Till the bitter stole the sweet
I was perfect in your arms
A precious while i had your smile
Till it all fell apart with one change of heart

The pain and regret will fade but a fact of love will still remain
You can't always trust happiness
Love like a sweet parade till the saddest part when the music fades
You can't always trust happiness

If a single star i see
Ever made a wish come true
It would bring you back to me
But the best my heart can do
Is to love again, i don't know when
Still it's worth all i fear, the heartaches and the tears

Love like a lesson learned when we pass the point of no return
You can't always trust happiness
There in love's steady glow hides the power to hurt us so
You can't always trust happiness


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