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Mari actori - Martin Sheen
Ramon Gerardo Antonio Estevez (nascut pe 3 august 1940), cunoscut ca Martin Sheen, s-a nascut in Dayton (Ohio) si este fiul unui tata spaniol , Francisco Estevez (nascut in Salceda de Caselas, Galicia) si a unei mame irlandeze , Mary Anne Phelan (nascuta in Condado de Tipperary). Este al saptelea dintre cei zece copii ai acestei perechi .Si-a ales numele artistic in semn de gratitudine fata de episcopul de New York Fulton J. Sheen.
Sheen mereu a vrut sa fie actor in ciuda opiniei tatalui sau si si-a inceput cariera in teatrele din New York . Primul sau mare rol a fost in piesa de pe Broadway The Subject Was Roses, rol pe care l-a repetat si in adaptarea cinematografica a piesei , in 1968. Urmatorul sau rol important l-a avut in 1973 cand a jucat alaturi de Sissy Spacek in drama Badlands regizata de Terrence Malick.
In 1974, Sheen a fost nominalizat la Premiile Emmy pentru cel mai bun actor intr-o drama televizata , interpretand rolul soldatului Eddie Slovik din filmul pentru televiziune The Execution of Private Slovik . Acest rol l-a determint pe Francis Ford Coppola sa-l aleaga ca protagonist in filmul Apocalypse Now , cu acest rol Sheen reusi sa fie unanim apreciat si recunoscut .
Sheen s-a casatorit cu o studenta , Janet Templeton, in 1961. impreuna au patru copii,trei baieti si o fata , toti implicati in cinematografie : Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Ramon Estevez, Renee Estevez.
Martin Sheen are o stea pe Hollywood Walk of Fame, la numarul 1500 din Vine Street. A declarat ca a fost foarte mult influentat de actorul James Dean. Sheen si-a anuntat viitoarele proiecte :" mi-ar place sa studiez literatura engleza , filozofia si teologia la Galway, in Irlanda, tara de origine a mamaei mele si al carui cetatean de onoare sunt “Martin Sheen a fost nominalizat de sase ori la Premiile Emmy Awards ca "cel mai bun interpret principal " intr-un serial pentru televiziune The West Wing – Toti oamenii presedintelui , pentru care a castigat Golden Globe si doua SAG Awards.
Martin Sheen este foarte implicat in politica atat pe plan artistic cat si in viata privata ,L-a interpretat pe presedintele John F. Kennedy in mini seria Kennedy — The Presidential Years, si pe fratele sau Robert Kennedy in serilul The Missiles of October, seful staff-ului de la casa Alba , A.J. McInnerney in The American President ,controversatul viitor presedinte Greg Stillson in The Dead Zone , presedintele imaginar al Partidului Democrat , Josiah Bartlet, in faimosul serial The West Wing
Sheen mereu si-a exprimat adeziunea la cauza liberala si a stat arestat de 63 de ori pentru proteste pentru incursiunile militare ale Statelor unite cat si pentru probleme legate de mediu . Sheen este membru onorific al lui Dayton International Peace Museum. In 10 aprilie 2006, New York Times a publicat un aricol potrivit caruia ,unii din membrii Partidului Democrat din Ohio, l-au contactat pe Martin Sheen pentru a incerca sa-l convinga sa accepte candidatura la Senat . Sheen a declinat oferta : "Voi vreti sa schimbati celebritatea pe credibilitate, nu este just! “
Filme cu Martin Sheen Ascunde
The Amazing Spider-Man / Uimitorul Om-Paianjen (2012) - Ben Parker Trailer
Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain (2011) - Warren Anderson
Flatland / (2011) - Arthur Square
Stella Days / (2011) - Fr. Daniel Barry
The Double / Dublu (2011) Trailer
There for Hope / (2011)
Shay Cullen: A Life Story / (2010) - Himself
The Way (2010) - Tom Trailer
Chamaco (2009) - Dr. Frank Irwin
Echelon Conspiracy (2009) - Raymond Burke Trailer
Imagine That / Puterea imaginatiei (2009) - Dante D'Enzo Trailer
Love Happens / Dragoste fara preaviz (2009) Trailer
Hope Not Lost (2008) - Narator
Paris Hilton Gets Presidential with Martin Sheen (2008)
The End of Poverty? (2008) - Narator (voce) Trailer
Flatland: The Movie (2007) - Arthur Square
Talk to Me / Vorbeste cu mine (2007) - E.G. Sonderling
Bobby (2006) - Jack Trailer
Bordertown / Orasul tacerii (2006) - George Morgan Trailer
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip / Studio 60 (2006) - Radio Host (1 episode, 2007)
The Departed / Cartita (2006) - Queenan Trailer
Who Killed the Electric Car? (2006) - Narator (voce)
James Dean: Forever Young / James Dean: Pururea tanar (2005) - Naratorul
Jerusalemski sindrom (2004)
Los reyes magos (2003) - Gaspar
Milost mora (2003) - Frederik
The Commission (2003) - Dep. Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach
Two and a Half Men / Doi barbati si jumatate (2003) - Harvey (1 episode, 2005) Trailer
Catch Me If You Can / Prinde-ma! Daca poti! (2002) - Tatal lui Brenda Trailer
We the People (2002)
"O" / "O" de la Othello (2001) - Coach Duke Goulding
The Apostle Paul: The Man Who Turned the World Upside Down. (2001) - Narator
A Texas Funeral / Inmormantare in stil Texan (1999) - Bunicul Sparta
D.R.E.A.M. Team (1999) - J.W. Garrison
Forget Me Never / Sa nu ma uiti! (1999) - Jack
Gunfighter / Pistolarul (1999) - Strainul
Lost & Found / Pierdut si regasit (1999) - Millstone
Ninth Street (1999) - Father Frank
Storm / Uraganul (1999) - Generalul James Roberts
Stranger in the Kingdom (1999) - Sigurd Moulton
The Darklings (1999) - Ira Everett
The Time Shifters / Calatori prin timp (1999) - Grifasi
The West Wing / Viata la Casa Alba (1999) - Presedintele Josiah Bartlet
A Letter from Death Row (1998) - Michael´s Father
Babylon 5: The River of Souls / Babylon 5: Raul sufletelor (1998) - Soul Hunter
Family Attraction (1998) - President
Free Money / Bani de-a gata (1998) - New Warden
No Code of Conduct / Fara onoare (1998) - Bill Peterson
Phenomenon: The Lost Archives (1998) - Voice Over (1 episode)
Shadrach (1998) - Naratorul (voce)
Snitch (1998) - Hanlon
Voyage of Terror (1998) - Henry Northcutt
Hostile Waters / Ape ostile (1997) - Aurora Skipper
Medusa's Child / Proiectul Meduza (1997) - President (U.S.)
Spawn / Arma dreptatii (1997) - Jason Wynn
Truth or Consequences, N.M. / Ultima sansa (1997) - Sir
Alchemy (1996) - King Arthur
Crystal Cave (1996) - King Arthur
Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story (1996) - Peter Maurin
Project: ALF (1996) - Col. Gilbert Milfoil
Spin City / Orice e posibil (1996) - Charlie Crawford's Dad / ... (2 episodes, 2002)
The Elevator / Liftul (1996) - Sarge
The War at Home / Frontul de acasa (1996) - Bob Collier
Captain Nuke and the Bomber Boys (1995) - Jeff Snyder
Dead Presidents / Fara speranta (1995) - The Judge
Dillinger and Capone (1995) - John Dillinger
Gospa (1995) - Father Jozo Zovko
Les cent et une nuits de Simon Cinema (1995) - Un acteur muet a Hollywood (complete version)
Present Tense, Past Perfect (1995) - Brian
Running Wild / Frumoasa si leopardul (1995) - Dan Walker
Sacred Cargo (1995) - Father Andrew Kanvesky
The American President / Dragostea unui presedinte american (1995) - A. J. MacInerney
The Break / Antrenorul (1995) - Gil Robbins
Bah, Humbug!: The Story of Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol' (1994) - Narrator / Bob Cratchit / Scrooge's Nephew / The Two Gentlemen / Marley's Ghost / Ghosts of Christmases Past and Present / Fezziwig / Mrs.Cratchit / Tiny Tim
Boca / Lordul crimelor (1994) - Jesse James Montgomery
Fortunes of War (1994) - Francis Labeck
Guns of Honor / Arme si onoare (1994) - Jackson Baines Hardin
Hits! (1994) - Kelly
One of Her Own / Pe cont propriu (1994)
Roswell (1994) - Townsend
Trigger Fast (1994) - Jackson Baines Hardin/Ole Devil
When the Bough Breaks / Cand se rupe craca (1994) - Capitanul Swaggert
A Matter of Justice / Justitie finala (1993) - Jack Brown
Braving Alaska (1993) - Narator
Gettysburg (1993) - Generalul Robert E. Lee
Hear No Evil / Dincolo de tacere (1993) - Locotenentul Brock
Hot Shots ! Part Deux / Formidabilul 2 (1993) - Capt. Benjamin L. Willard
Queen (1993) - James Jackson Sr.
The Killing Box / Brigada fantoma (1993) - generalul Haworth
Original Intent / Schimbari majore (1992) - Joe
The Last P.O.W.? The Bobby Garwood Story / Garwood: Prizonier de razboi (1992)
The Water Engine (1992) - Chain Letter Voice
Touch and Die (1992) - Frank
Guilty Until Proven Innocent (1991) - Harold Hohne
JFK (1991) - Narator
Jugoslavenska Armija pomaze srpski terorizam (1991) - Narator
Pomozite Hrvatskoj (1991) - Narator
Srpski vodovi smrti (1991) - Narator
The Maid / Menajera (1991) - Anthony Wayne
Cadence / In cadenta (1990) - Otis V. McKinney
Captain Planet and the Planeteers / Captain Planet (1990) - Sly Sludge (12 episodes, 1990-1992)
Beverly Hills Brats (1989) - Dr. Jeffrey Miller
Beyond the Stars / Dincolo de stele (1989) - Paul Andrews
Cold Front / Lunetistul (1989) - John Hyde
Marked for Murder (1989) - Man in Park
Nightbreaker (1989) - Dr. Alexander Brown - Present
The Simpsons / Familia Simpson (1989) - Sgt. Seymour Skinner (1 episode, 1997)
"Murphy Brown" (1988) - Nick Brody (1 episode, 1993)
Da / Amintiri (1988) - Charlie
Judgment in Berlin (1988) - Herbert J Stern
Conspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago 8 (1987) - James Marion Hunt
Siesta (1987) - Del
The Believers / In numele credintei (1987) - Cal Jamison
Wall Street (1987) - Carl Fox
A Life in the Day (1986) - Narator
A State of Emergency (1986) - Dr. Alex Carmody
National Geographic Video: Secrets of the Titanic (1986) - Narator
News at Eleven (1986) - Frank Kenley
Samaritan: The Mitch Snyder Story / Povestea lui Mitch Snyder (1986) - Mitch Snyder
Shattered Spirits (1986) - Lyle Mollencamp
Consenting Adult (1985) - Ken Lynd
Out of the Darkness (1985) - Eddie Zigo
The Fourth Wise Man (1985) - Artaban
Firestarter / Declansatorul (1984) - Captain Hollister
The Guardian (1984) - Charlie Hyatt
Choices of the Heart (1983) - Father Philan
Enigma (1983) - Alex Holbeck
In the King of Prussia (1983) - Judge Samuel Salus II
Kennedy (1983) - John F. Kennedy
Man, Woman and Child / Barbatul, femeia si copilul (1983) - Robert Beckwith
The Dead Zone / Zona moarta (1983) - Greg Stillson
Gandhi (1982) - Vince Walker Trailer
In the Custody of Strangers / Cosmar dupa gratii (1982) - Frank Caldwell
No Place to Hide (1982) - Narator
That Championship Season / Campioni ratati (1982) - Tom Daley
Loophole (1981) - Stephen Booker
The Final Countdown / Numaratoare inversa (1980) - Warren Lasky
"Blind Ambition" (1979) - John Dean
Apocalypse Now / Apocalipsul acum (1979) - Capitanul Benjamin Willard Trailer
Eagle's Wing / Aripa de vultur (1979) - Pike
Taxi!!! (1978) - Sofer de taxi
The Cassandra Crossing / Podul Cassandra (1976) - Robby Navarro
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane / Fetita din capatul strazii (1976) - Frank Hallet
Sweet Hostage (1975) - Leonard Hatch
The Last Survivors (1975) - Alexander William Holmes
The California Kid / California Kid (1974) - Michael McCord
The Execution of Private Slovik (1974) - Eddie Slovik
The Legend of Earl Durand (1974) - Luther Sykes
The Missiles of October (1974) - Att. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy
The Story of Pretty Boy Floyd (1974) - Charles Arthur 'Pretty Boy' Floyd
Badlands / Banda salbatica (1973) - Kit Carruthers
Crime Club (1973) - Deputy Wade Wilson
Letters from Three Lovers (1973) - Vincent
Message to My Daughter (1973) - John Thatcher
When the Line Goes Through (1973) - Bluff Jackson
"The Streets of San Francisco" (1972) - Dean Knox (1 episode, 1973)
No Drums, No Bugles (1972) - Ashby Gatrell
Pickup on 101 (1972) - Les
Pursuit (1972) - Timothy Drew
Rage (1972) - Maj. Holliford
That Certain Summer (1972) - Gary McClain
Welcome Home, Johnny Bristol (1972) - Graytak
Cannon (1971) - Jerry Warton / ... (3 episodes, 1972-1973)
Columbo (1971) - Karl Lessing (1 episode, 1973)
Goodbye, Raggedy Ann (1971) - Jules Worthman
Mongo's Back in Town (1971) - Gordon
"Dan August" (1970) - Norman Sayles (1 episode, 1971)
"The Young Lawyers" (1970) - Reverend Jimmy Haines (1 episode, 1970)
Catch-22 / Aliniatul 22 (1970) - 1st Lt. Dobbs
The Andersonville Trial (1970) - Captain Williams
"Bracken's World" (1969) - Joey Jason (1 episode, 1970)
"ITV Saturday Night Theatre" (1969) - Father Kinsella (1 episode, 1973)
"Love, American Style" (1969) - Dr. Art Parmel (segment "Love and the Swinging Surgeon") (1 episode, 1973)
"Medical Center" (1969) - Glen / ... (2 episodes, 1970-1973)
"The Mod Squad" (1968) - Danny Morgan (1 episode, 1970)
Hawaii Five-O (1968) - Arthur Dixon / ... (2 episodes, 1970)
The Subject Was Roses / Rezistenta trandafirilor (1968) - Timmy Cleary
"Mannix" (1967) - Alex Lachlan (1 episode, 1972)
Ironside (1967) - Johnny (1 episode, 1970)
The Incident / Incidentul (1967) - Artie Connors
Mission: Impossible / Misiune: Imposibila (1966) - Lieutenant Albert Brocke (1 episode, 1969)
Ten Blocks on the Camino Real (1966) - Kilroy
"The F.B.I." (1965) - Neil Harland / ... (4 episodes, 1968-1973)
"The Defenders" (1961) - Adam Novins / ... (4 episodes, 1961-1964)
Route 66 (1960) - Packy (1 episode, 1961)
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