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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


The Auteurs - School / 1999

  Asculta tot albumul (click aici)  
Adaugat de kili 16.09.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.722 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
The Auteurs - School / 1999


I am waiting for a man
To collect me from the station
He will drive me past your house
And the bridge and the precinct
Later on he'll stuff my mouth
With flies, sit astride me
I am waiting for a man
To collect me from the station

And the kids around the flats
The mums and dads, your uncle
And I'm never going back
To your old school

Some blank verse from Michael Ray
Blue and white power on his fifteenth
Join the army or the
National Front when you're sixteen
Mickey says you were undressed
Easily led in the back field
Maybe I could come around
Your brother's out - cop a feel

And the kids around the flats
The mums and dads, your uncle
And I'm never going back
To your old

I am standing in the front room
With your mother and your father
I am talking to a man
Who says he baptised you
On the way back from the church
Your brother got home early
I am waiting for a man
To collect me from the station

Does the aerosol on brick
Just make you think you still rule?
And I'm never going back
To your old school

And the kids around the flats
The mums and the dads, your uncle
And I'm never going back
To your old school
To your old school


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